
Mark Wilkinson

I used Reward Tagz when I found a digital camera while out walking the dog. Luckily, the camera had a tag on it. I didn't know what it was, but when I got home I looked it up and found out I could claim a reward for returning the camera. Such a great idea, I was so glad to be able to return the camera to its owner. Lucky he used reward tagz or I wouldn't know where to find him.

Steve Sunderland
St Helens

I've tagged all my valuables. I've even tagged my kids like in the video! I've got so many precious memories scattered across so many different devices, Reward Tagz is one way of helping to protect them. It was really easy to register each item, now I've got the peace of mind that if anything gets lost, when someone finds it its got a better chance of being returned. Great service. 5 stars.

Paul Watson

This works! I lost my Macbook Pro travelling home from Leeds. I left it at the station, but got it back when the person who found it realised there was a reward for its safe return. I'm a web developer so have most of my work backed up, but there was a project I'd been working on which I hadn't backed up yet, so getting the machine back saved me a few hours of re-coding. I'm very grateful to the guy who returned it, and that such as great service exists.

Peter Robinson

I tagged all the kids' Christmas presents. They all get electrical devices these days and knowing what they're like, it's only a matter of time before one of them loses something. At least with these tags we'll have a better chance of getting it back.

John Battersley

Takes the embarrassment out of asking for some money to do the decent thing.

Harry Mellor

Thank God for Reward Tagz! Lost a bag that had a USB stick in with loads of stuff on I need for work. Got it back within a few days. Thanks RT.

Andy Smith

I lost a handycam. My son took it to film him and his buddies on their scooters. He told me he left it at the skate park. We went down to have a look but it had gone. It had a tag on so we just kept our fingers crossed to hear something and the next day we did. I'm really glad I used reward tagz. We've tagged loads of stuff now we know it works.

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