
Subscription Set Up

    • Unlimited replacement of labels and keyrings supplied and posted free of charge in the event of fading or damage
    • Ideal for sharing with household members
    • Rewardtagz facilitates the return of the item and covers all postage costs, up to a maximum of £30 per item
    • Should a reward be due to the finder, Rewardtagz will forward this directly to the finder following the safe return of the item (10% fee deducted to cover admin costs)
    • Rewardtagz offer mediation in the event of a dispute between you and the finder
    • If you wish to change your mind, you can cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel within 14 days, you will receive a full refund of all money paid. Click here to view our cancellation policy.

£1.49 / month and a £10.00 sign-up fee

Got a question? Check our Subscribers FAQS / Finders FAQS or contact us.