How to prevent your valuables from being stolen

We’re all at risk of theft. It’s horrible to think that we live in a world where theft is commonplace, but it’s the stark truth unfortunately.

If you’re a victim of theft, there’s a number of measures you can take to try and get your stuff back.

LifeHacker reported on this a few years back. It might be a fairly old article, but the advice holds up.

If your stuff does get pinched, you need to face the reality that it may be gone forever, however, checking places like Ebay and Gumtree is always worthwhile. And if you have an especially investigative nature, gather any evidence and present it to the police.

Prevention is better than a cure, though.

Among the LifeHacker tips is to add a ‘reward if found’ label to your belongings. We think this is a great idea. Putting a Reward Tag on your valuables will put thieves off because it is an identifying mark, and that is not good news for the bad guys.


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