How to get your lost camera back

The thought of losing something like a digital camera, packed with memories and the narrative of passing time, can be the cause of great anxiety. There are of course various ways of backing up your photos, and it’s recommended to do so as frequently as possible, but we’re only human and only a robot backs up its systems so diligently.

Plus, it’s not just the memories you lose, but also the actually physical value of the camera, which could run into £1000s.

Some people go to hilarious measures in an effort to encourage the safe return of their camera should it ever get lost. Like Photographer Andrew McDonald, who went to the trouble of snapping a bunch of selfies which he leaves on his camera for the attention of anyone who finds it.

It’s a fun idea, but relies upon the person who finds it knowing how to use the camera, switch it on, etc… It also relies upon there being battery power, and upon the finder having the motivation or curiosity to actually want to look at the memory. In other words, it may improve your chances, but it’s not a sure fire method of ensuring your camera is returned.

What’s more likely to work is an incentive for the finder. We have researched this and found that when someone finds lost property, 2 things motivate them to find its owner:

  • The possibility of a reward
  • The satisfaction of doing a good deed

What deters them is the perceived time and effort it will take on their part to reunite the item with its rightful owner.

Rewards Tagz addresses all of the above and provides a solution.

When an item is found with a reward tag on it, the finder is immediate given the incentive of a reward. This will motivate them to invest a little time and effort.

We make returning the item easy peasy.

If the finder thinks returning the item is reward enough, that’s fine, they even have the option to make a contribution to charity instead.

Reward Tagz are just £1 each and the best way to get your valuables returned.

You can buy them here.

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